I Just Went Pee and I Have to Go Again

Past perfect (I had washed) Прошедшее совершенное


Изучите следующую ситуацию:

Sarah went to a political party concluding calendar week. Paul went to the party too, but they didn't see each other. Paul left the party at 10.30 and Sarah arrived at 11 o'clock. Пол покинул вечеринку в ten:30, а Сара прибыла в 11 часов. Итак:

When Sarah arrived at the political party, Paul wasn't in that location.
Когда Сара прибыла на вечеринку, Пола там не было.

He had gone home. Он ушел домой.

Had gone это the by perfect (simple):

had (= I'd etc.)
(= he'd etc.)

The past perfect simple это had + past participle - причастие прошедшего времени (gone/seen/finished etc).

Иногда мы говорим о событиях, случившихся в прошлом:

  • Sarah arrived at the party.

Это начальная точка отсчета нашей истории. Затем, если мы хотим поговорить о событиях, случившихся до этого времени, мы используем by perfect (had ...):

  • When Sarah arrived at the political party, Paul had already gone domicile.
    Когда Сара прибыла на вечеринку, Пол уже ушел домой.

Еще немного примеров:

  • When we got home last dark, we found that somebody had broken into the flat.
    Когда мы вернулись домой прошлой ночью, мы обнаружили, что кто-то побывал в квартире.
  • Karen didn't desire to go to the cinema with us because she'd already seen the film.
    Карен не хотела ехать в кино с нами, потому что она уже видела этот фильм.
  • At beginning I thought I'd done the right thing, but I soon realised that I'd fabricated a big mistake.
    Сначала я думал, что сделал правильную вещь, но вскоре понял, что сделал большую ошибку.
  • The man sitting adjacent to me on the airplane was very nervous. He hadn't flown before. or ... He had never flown before.
    Человек, который сидел рядом со мной в самолете, очень нервничал. Он (никогда) раньше не летал.


Сравните the nowadays perfect (have seen etc.) и the past perfect (had seen etc.):

  • Who is that woman? I've never seen her before.
    Кто эта женщина? Я никогда ее не видела.
  • We aren't hungry. We've merely had lunch.
    Мы не голодные. Мы только что пообедали.
  • The house is dirty. They haven't cleaned it for weeks.
    Дом грязный. Они не убирали его неделями.
  • I didn't know who she was. I'd never seen her before. (= до этого времени)
    Я не знал, кто она была. Я никогда ее до этого не видел.
  • We weren't hungry. We'd simply had dejeuner.
    Мы не были голодны. Мы только что пообедали.
  • The house was muddy. They hadn't cleaned information technology for weeks.
    Дом был грязным. Они не убирали его неделями.


Сравните the past simple (left, was etc.) и the past perfect (had left, had been etc.):

  • A: Was Tom there when you arrived?
    B: Yeah, merely he left before long later.
    A: Том был там, когда ты приехал?
    В: Да, но он уехал вскоре после этого.
  • Kate wasn't at habitation when I phoned. She was at her mother's house.
    Катя не была дома, когда я звонил. Она была дома у мамы.
  • A: Was Tom there when y'all arrived?
    B: No, he had already left.
    А: Том был там, когда ты приехал?
    В: Нет, он уже уехал.
  • Kate had just got home when I phoned. She had been at her mother's house.
    Катя уже уехала домой, когда я звонил. Она была дома у мамы.


1. Прочитайте ситуации и составьте предложения из слов в скобках.

  1. You went to Sue'due south house, just she wasn't there.
    (she / get / out)
  2. You lot went dorsum to your home town after many years. It wasn't the same as before.
    (it / alter / a lot)
  3. I invited Rachel to the party, simply she couldn't come up.
    (she / arrange / to do something else)
  4. You went to the cinema last dark. You got to the cinema late.
    (the moving-picture show / already / begin)
  5. Information technology was nice to see Dan again later such a long time.
    (I / not / see / him for 5 years)
  6. I offered Sue something to eat, but she wasn't hungry.
    (she / but / have / breakfast)


2. Для каждой ситуации напишите предложение с never ... before. Используйте глагол в скобках.

  1. The man sitting side by side to you on the plane was very nervous. Information technology was his first flight.
    (fly) ...
  2. A woman walked into the room. She was a complete stranger to me.
    (see) I ... before.
  3. Sam played lawn tennis yesterday. He wasn't very good at information technology because it was his first game.
    (play) He ...
  4. Concluding twelvemonth nosotros went to Denmark. It was our first time there.
    (be there) We ...


3. Используйте предложения слева, чтобы завершить параграф справа. Эти предложения находятся в порядке случившихся событий, т.е. (ane) случилось до (two), (2) до (3) и т.д. Но ваш параграф начинается с подчеркнутого предложения, поэтому иногда вам нужно использовать past perfect.


(i) Somebody broke into the office during the night.
(2) We arrived at work in the morning.
(3) Nosotros called the police.


We arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody into the office during the night. So we .



(1) Laura went out this morning.
(2) I tried to telephone her.
(3) At that place was no answer.


I tried to phone Laura this morning time, but no answer. She out.



(ane) Jim came dorsum from holiday a few days ago.
(2) I met him the same 24-hour interval.
(3) He looked very well.


I met Jim a few days ago. but holiday. very well.



(1) Kevin sent Emerge lots of emails.
(2) She never replied to them.
(3) Yesterday he got a phone call from her.
(iv) He was very surprised.


Yesterday Kevin from Emerge. He very surprised. He lots of emails, only she .


four. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму: past perfect (I had washed) или past simple (I did).

  1. 'Was Paul at the party when you lot arrived?' 'No, he (become) home.'
  2. I felt very tired when I got home, so I (go) straight to bed.
  3. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody (go) to bed.
  4. Sorry I'one thousand late. The automobile (interruption) down on my fashion here.
  5. We were driving forth the route when we (see) a car which (suspension) downward, so nosotros (stop) to aid.



Source: https://lingust.ru/english/grammar/lesson15

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